I coach because I get to teach my clients

How to be Free.

Freedom from fear, laziness, anxiety, and unnecessary disease. Once free from the weight of the unknown, one can reach for unknown heights.

chapter 1: ALOHA

Being born and raised in the diverse community of Hilo, Hawaii allowed me the life experiences to thrive in an environment with many socio-economic privileges and struggles. While our community and towns many cultures flourished creatively, and often integrated generationally, there were many social struggles associated with poverty, addiction and family abuse that seemed to only get better with more Aloha.

Even though Hawaii isn't a place of great wealth or health- for me it has always been a place of great love and acceptance. My communities struggles taught me that love and aloha are the foundation for growth, and everything I have to offer life.

chapter 2: AUTONOMY

Growing up, my parents were the two hardest working people I knew- my father a carpenter and mother a teacher, they both gave more to their work than anything else in life. Their commitment to work gave me many clues on how success was possible, especially since I grew up witnessing both of them overcome their personal demons. In their absence I got to experience personal leadership, autonomy and responsibility most kids in my community didn’t seem to have.

The personal battles and victories I witnessed as a young boy offered many clues on how to avoid much of the potential suffering I could experience. This motivated me to focus on growth as a mechanism for resilience to disease. All the while, my love and awareness of my community continued to grow.


Figuring out my relationship to growth and learning resulted in the loss of 40lbs of body fat. My relationship with hunger and exertion were no longer fed by emotional, environmental or cultural training. Instead, I managed my transformation through planned and scheduled meals that were designed for the energy demands of my daily, weekly and monthly performance commitments. At first, I thought my practices were to get me closer to my goals, which they did, but more importantly, the practice of committing to my highest ideal transformed me from what others let me be, into everything I could be.

Finding this authentic place of optimum mental and physical health, stress performance, meaning and satisfying life reward requires I continually offer up what I've been shown as cultural good for what helps me personally grow.

Chapter 4: ADVENTURE

With a clear vision of what I could be, I set out exploring my interests, desired skills, and life ambitions. From youthful adrenaline chasing, like motocross and car racing, to more meaningful pursuits like mental health treatment and K-12 education. I eventually found the personal molding and meaning I was looking for when I joined the Army and got into org operations and leadership.

I also double down my commitment to life when I got married and started a family. As the head of household, I quickly realized my fight in life wasn't abroad, but instead at home with being the best father to my daughter and partner to my wife I could be. My leadership and operations skills have since supported me through hundreds of strategic development b2b projects as a manager, consultant and coach.


The path to my dreams hasn't always been clear. I have, and still face similar hurdles of fear and laziness that I've witnessed and experienced. Because of this, I developed a personal leadership framework to grow my awareness and clarify the actions I needed to take in order to overcome resistance. This framework led me to the awareness that my greatest service and opportunity in life comes from supporting others with embodying their dreams of a meaningful, and fulfilling life. While my framework isn't rocket science, it has proven client after client to deliver the necessary mindset and strategy developments which can define, clarify and launch their dreams into reality.

If your looking to shift your mindset from victimhood to victory, and permanently overcome fear and laziness for good, connect with me at
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